Saturday, June 19, 2010


Another beautiful song friends!! Isn’t it? It’s a Marathi song. Those, who like Marathi songs, might have listened to it. And those who are not aware of the song please do listen at least once. It’s a best time to enjoy the song. And isn’t there a gaarva everywhere now? Not just in the outside world friends but the inner world in your mind?
Yes we can see the climate has turned the red hot land into lush green grasslands, not so chilled but a pleasant wind waves rejuvenating your tired minds during hot summer, your stresses in whatever respect which generally rise from February along with heat (and which reaches at peak at march end) tend to settle down either way, your routine what you expect tend to come on path slowly and most importantly, a new ‘umang’ that generates branches to your mind and as fresh as lily. So, add more flavors to that umang my dear friends by listening ‘Garva’ even if you don’t have that much affinity to Marathi songs.

Yes I can hear the annoyance in your mind saying that hey, where the hail you shifted to songs from our new college memories. Oh, oh, I am coming to that friends. I am coming to that. The word ‘affinity’ reminded me of our honorable principal Mr. K. R. Yadav, giving us the example of a boy who while being with his father sees his mother and runs towards her, leaving father’s hand insistently. Our principal used to give us that example to explain the affinity of a fluorine molecule with hydrogen. Well, irrespective of the relevancy as an example, I can see his gestures and tones used while teaching, even today.

Another teacher of chemistry Mr. SSP always used to yell ‘ketones and acetones are the first order derivatives of alcohols’ . Well dear professor, that was then. Your students now give order first of alcohol for any reason and then they think of deriving the reason. Ha Ha Ha!!
Other sir, Mr. SPP never came out of Brodie’s ozonizer once got entangled in. His teaching style and peculiar tone while teaching certainly need one to give ozone treatment to recover from suffocation. 

Well, I think Warke madam’s class was seemed to be more awaited for and pleasant to study (?) for some of the students. I could realize that even after twenty five years when we were together on our meet eve. She used to teach benzene ring and carbon molecule structure but some students seemed to be victim of chemical locha. But one thing is certain, that warke madam could have earned additional revenue apart from her salary if had she thought of running classes of saree draping and using different brooches to match those.

My dear friends, its time to go to fish market now. I have to hurry rather. Let m1, m2, m3 be three masses… hnnn. Massej !! Remember Mr. PKP’s gesture? Ha Ha Ha!! Bye then friends.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Barsaat ki Dhun Soon ....

Hush.. what a exhaustive week it was. Two weeks rather. What a heat, dust and to add, traffic of Pune. Dear friends, we keep talking about global warming here and there but i am beginning to believe that really the planet where we live is certainly angry with us. Believe me, i have played so much outdoor games( mostly football) in early afternoon since my schooldays , i have stood for long hours without a cap on sites during my candidacy days but i haven't experienced such a summer i must say. I could imagine how chatak waits for rain as i was equally eager for the same during last couple of months or so.

So dear friends, that day has arrived. I can see the monsoon clouds gathered and drizzling a little. I had been to kolhapur last week for a day. I could see the monsoon clouds gathering over there. In fact since my childhood i love to see that scene. This time that scene was more titillating to me as i could witness that in my home town !! During a return journey i whirled in monsoon memories of kolhapur. Well, beautiful landscape of Rajaram college ( oh, don't ask me. I was never a student of Rajaram), shyam's wada over there, chay at tapri near to it, then a beautiful rajarampuri main road which blossoms more during rain, evergreen university campus, rankala lake and lastly the boss ... Panhala. Oh god, thanks for creating more heavens on earth and may i take your permission to say that Panhala in monsoon is one of those.

It's a beautiful Sunday morning friends. And this time with monsoon clouds. I am not in a mood now of revising any memories of our college sirs. I may resume on next post for that. But i certainly remembered another sir for an obvious reason. I remembered the song in a movie 'Sir'.
Well, some may like it some may not. But my dear friends just enjoy the song with a cup of tea in hand ( or else, depending upon the time when you enjoy). Its not the song that just relates to rain only. It relates also to few or more memories of the time when the movie was released. You may realize what i mean when this time you listen the song attentively.. not just the lyrics.

And what a season for next one and half month. Its a monsoon and what ..... A soccer world cup?
Its an icing on cake yaar !! Oh god, how may i thank you for this. Just be little generous on me to be efficient on daytime after late night telecasts as I do not want to miss the single moment of that jallosh ...

So my dear friends ... Cheers !! and soon soon soon barsaaaaaat ki dhoon soon...
